Thermal insulation of buildingsis one of the most frequently commissioned and performed renovation and construction services in our country. We insulate not only single-family houses or old tenement houses, but also modern apartment blocks, industrial buildings, offices, churches and many other places. But is it worth doing? The costs of such works are not the smallest, so the decision to insulate walls should be well thought out.
As it turns out, regardless of the costs, insulating buildings is worthwhile, because it improves not only the greenhouse values of buildings, but also the quality of life of residents, and increases the aesthetic value of the building.
Insulation of buildings is most often used due to the lack of sufficient capacity of a given building to accumulate heat and escape of valuable heat energy through material shortages or poor use of building elements. Buildings that accumulate heat poorly also become inefficient economically, because their inhabitants are forced to incur huge costs for additional space. Heaters in such apartments are usually placed several or a dozen or so degrees higher than in buildings where excessive heat loss is not noticeable. It is not difficult to guess that this use of radiators is also followed by increased financial outlays, which in the long run may even exceed the cost of the wall insulation service.
Such heated rooms usually cause too large a temperature difference and lead to condensation of water vapor trapped inside the walls. These, in turn, are prone to absorbing too much moisture or freezing, as a result of which favorable conditions are also created for the development of microorganisms such as algae and fungi. Allowing the growth of these microorganisms on the walls is neither aesthetic nor healthy for all residents of the building, so if we notice any disturbing symptoms of moisture on the walls, we should immediately take appropriate and effective measures.
Due to the multilayer insulation systems of buildings and the measures they contain to prevent the growth of fungi and algae, this is another point in favor of using these systems to protect your apartments against unwanted "tenants" on the walls.
For insulation of buildings, polystyrene boards or mineral wool are most often used, which are covered with a thin plastering coat. We will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of both insulators another time, but it is worth knowing that the differences between them are insignificant and both polystyrene and mineral wool perform very well.
A well-insulated building is not only protection against excessive heat loss, because the insulating properties help the walls maintain the right temperature even in summer, thanks to which the apartments do not heat up and allow you to maintain a high standard of living.
Of course it is, because this investment usually pays for itself after a few years, and the insulation properties can provide peace and comfort to the building's residents for many generations. Our living space becomes more friendly and healthy, and the economic advantages associated with the lack of the need to heat the rooms will certainly appeal to our wallets, which will be able to rest with relief in subsequent heating periods.